Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This is from my sweet sister-in-law Cindy!
Go to your picture files. Open the 6th folder, and the 6th picture. Post it on your blog and tell the story of the picture. Then tag 6 people.
Here is MY picture!
About 2 years ago we had a big spring storm that came up from out of nowhere. The sky got very dark and the wind started to blow. I was watching out the window and saw our trampoline get lifted a few feet by the wind. I went outside and moved the trampoline up against the fence hoping to help secure it. A few minutes later we were looking out the front window and saw balls rolling down the street. (Our kids like to play with lots balls on the trampoline.) When I ran outside to get one of the balls, I suddenly saw our Trampoline, upside on our mail box! The wind had picked it up and carried it over our 6 foot fence and it landed about 30 feet away in the street! It was quite the sight! Our kids thought it was so funny and pretty amazing. That was one strong wind! Needless to say that our trampoline was a complete loss, and has since been replaced by another one that has been tied down to our fence with a rope! Hopefully no more flying trampolines.

Tag to..... Holly, Candee, Deedra, Leanna, Jackie & Rosie. (Only if you want to!)


21st Century Homemaker said...

That is hilarious! Well not that you had to buy a new trampoline becuase those are spendy but that is pretty classic!

Holly said...

I so remember that! I remember calling you in that storm asking if you thought it would turn into a tornado and now look where I live!!

Nicole said...

That's an impressive picture and story. Bummer.

cindyc said...

How fun! Thanks for playing this game Becca! It's amazing to me to see what cool and amazing stories come up when we select pictures at random!

Curtis and Deedra said...

wow, that's incredible and kinda cool! Not cool that you had to buy a new trampoline though.